Universal Pictures has unveiled the chilling official trailer for Ouija 4: Dark Side, the highly anticipated fourth installment in the terrifying Ouija franchise. Slated for release in 2024, this latest chapter dives even deeper into the dark, malevolent lore surrounding the infamous spirit board, promising a horror experience that will leave audiences breathless.
The Trailer:
The trailer opens with eerie visuals of an abandoned attic where the cursed Ouija board is discovered. A group of friends, looking for a thrill, unwittingly awakens a malevolent spirit trapped within. As the friends play, the lights flicker, whispers fill the air, and cryptic messages appear on the board, setting the stage for an escalating nightmare.
Flashes of gruesome and suspenseful scenes dominate the trailer: shadowy figures lurking in the background, a blood-soaked Ouija board, and the characters’ desperate attempts to escape the clutches of an evil force. The chilling tagline, “Once you open the door, it will never close,” teases the high stakes and relentless terror awaiting the characters.
The Story:
Ouija 4: Dark Side follows a group of friends who uncover the ancient board, unaware of its cursed history. As they delve into the dark origins of the artifact, they unearth a series of horrifying events tied to its past. Their journey to uncover the truth leads to a terrifying confrontation with a spirit determined to exact its revenge.
Why Watch:
Packed with suspense, atmospheric horror, and spine-tingling visuals, Ouija 4: Dark Side aims to reignite the franchise with its darkest and most terrifying story yet. Fans can expect a gripping narrative, innovative scares, and deeper insights into the Ouija board’s sinister mythology.
Prepare to face the darkness when Ouija 4: Dark Side hits theaters in 2024. Once the game begins, there’s no turning back.