CURSED Official Trailer (2024)
“Cursed” is a 2024 horror film directed by Patrick Corcoran. The narrative centers on an American drifter who, after stealing from a produce stand in a rural Romanian village, becomes afflicted by a supernatural curse, leading to a terrifying transformation.
The protagonist, an American drifter, arrives in a secluded Romanian village. Driven by desperation, he steals from a local produce stand, unknowingly invoking an ancient curse. As the curse takes hold, he undergoes a horrifying metamorphosis, confronting the malevolent forces that haunt the village and his own inner demons.
“Cursed” has garnered mixed reviews from audiences. On IMDb, it holds a rating of 5.4/10 based on 82 user reviews. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film is available for rent or purchase on Prime Video, though specific critic and audience scores are not provided.
Where to Watch:
- Tubi: “Cursed” is available for free streaming on Tubi.
- Prime Video: The film can be rented or purchased on Prime Video.
For a visual glimpse into the film’s atmosphere and storyline, you can watch the official trailer below: