“Beetlejuice: The Animated Series” is a television adaptation of Tim Burton’s 1988 film “Beetlejuice.” The animated series aired from 1989 to 1991, spanning four seasons with a total of 94 episodes.

Series Summary

The show centers on the adventures of Lydia Deetz, a gothic teenage girl, and her best friend, Beetlejuice, a mischievous ghost. Unlike the film, the series portrays Beetlejuice as a more likable character, albeit still a trickster. Lydia and Beetlejuice explore the Neitherworld—a bizarre, supernatural realm—encountering various creatures and engaging in whimsical escapades. Lydia can summon Beetlejuice by chanting his name three times, leading to their shared adventures.

Review and Reception

“Beetlejuice: The Animated Series” received positive feedback for its creativity, humor, and unique animation style. The series won a Daytime Emmy Award in 1990 for Outstanding Animated Program. Critics and audiences praised the show’s ability to capture the spirit of the original film while introducing imaginative elements suitable for a younger audience. The voice acting, particularly Stephen Ouimette’s portrayal of Beetlejuice, was well-received, contributing to the show’s charm.

The series is noted for its clever writing, frequent breaking of the fourth wall, and incorporation of puns and visual gags, making it appealing to both children and adults. Its distinctive animation and character designs have left a lasting impression, maintaining a cult following among fans of 1990s animation.


As of December 2024, “Beetlejuice: The Animated Series” is available for streaming on Tubi, allowing both new viewers and long-time fans to enjoy the show’s quirky humor and imaginative storytelling.


“Beetlejuice: The Animated Series” stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of its source material, successfully translating the film’s darkly comedic tone into an animated format suitable for all ages. Its blend of humor, creativity, and memorable characters continues to resonate with audiences, solidifying its place as a beloved animated series from the late 20th century.

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